Future-Proof Microfilm and Reap the Benefits Today
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- Published: Thursday, 05 March 2015 14:00

With microfilm fast becoming a redundant form of document storage, more and more companies are looking at ways to future-proof the files stored on them.
When forms of document storage become redundant, files can be lost forever so you must future-proof them before it's too late. How? Well, right now, going digital is the only way to ensure that even when methods of document storage change, your files are still safe and accessible.
How to Future-Proof Your Microfilm
In it's time, microfilm was a quick, easy and space-saving solution for document storage but they are now becoming increasingly expensive to use, not to mention inefficient. So, if you still store files, drawings, plans etc on microfilm you should consider having them scanned and and digitised. Before you start to worry about the hassle of scanning and indexing them yourself, there are plenty of microfilm scanning companies you can outsource the work to. You will get high quality scans and often in a fast turnaround so you won't be without your documents for long. Storing files digitally has become a recognised storage method for businesses all over the world and now it's your turn.
Why Should You Digitise Microfilm?
As well as future-proofing your documents, microfilm scanning also offers a range of other benefits;
- Easier access to files
- Quicker sharing
- Save money on expensive equipment and maintenance
- Increase office efficiency
- You can enhance the quality of files and images by digitising
- Digital files can be encrypted and password protected
- Fully indexed digital files can be found quicker
- Save space previously taken up by stored microfilm
Pearl Scan Microfilm Scanning Services
Pearl Scan Solutions offer a fully bespoke microfilm scanning service to help companies and individuals to digitise microfilm cheaply but effectively and reap the range of benefits mentioned above. We have recently invested in a brand new scanning machine to aid microfilm scanning London, microfilm scanning Manchester and microfilm scanning across the country. We have a lot more information about this service on our website so check it out or get in touch today for a free, no obligation quote for your scanning project.
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